Oct. 7, 2024 Meeting – Eric Sauer – Maxillarias
Oct. 7, 2024 Meeting – Eric Sauer – Maxillarias
Our Fall season continues on its warm trend without even a hint of the crisp weather in sight. One way or the other, this is bound to change.
In the meantime, the GROS will welcome Eric Sauer from RV Orchids in Centerville, Ohio, just outside Dayton. He will speak on “Maxillarias” – an Alliance consisting of 12 genera with about 720 species distributed throughout the Neotropics. There are two centers of distribution, one in Andean South American and the other in the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. 1
Eric has been growing orchids for over 30 years under the greenhouse name of River Valley Orchids and specializes in South American Species with a focus on Brassia, Maxillaria and Phragmipedium. He has spoken internationally and across the United States.
Eric has had culture chapters published by Guido Braem in his book on Paphiopedilum and in his book on Phragmipedium. He also has a feature article on Maxillaria in Orchid Digest and several of his Maxillaria photos were published in Eric Christenson’s book on Maxillaria.
He has received over 100 awards from the American Orchid Society and has four orchids named after him including two species from Ecuador. He is the current president of the Miami Valley Orchid Society and the president of the Mid America Orchid Congress. Eric also serves as one of the award photographers for the Cincinnati Judging Center. His “real” job is as a registered landscape architect serving as the planning manager for Five Rivers MetroParks in Dayton, Ohio.
Eric will be bringing plants to sell at the meeting. He will be updating the listing in the next couple days on his website for pre-orders, but the list that is online now is relatively new also – there will just be a few minor changes and additions.
If you’d like Eric to bring your pre-order with him, please contact him via his website ASAP.
The Show Table will be back, of course, so don’t forget to bring in your flowering orchids. Please note – since Eric will be bringing orchids to sell at the meeting, members are not permitted to bring in their own plants to sell or trade.
1Info. courtesy the American Orchid Society.
The doors open at 6:00 p.m. for plant sales and generalized schmoozing. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
Maxillaria saueri. Photo ©Eric Sauer – All Rights Reserved
Map to the Louis S. Wolk JCC
Our Meetings
The Genesee Region Orchid Society (GROS) is a 501(c) non-profit organization based in Rochester, NY.
Our regular meeting night is the first Monday following the first Sunday of each month. We occasionally change the meeting date as our schedule requires, but we always list the correct date well in advance both on this website and in our monthly newsletter. Our meetings are open to everyone without charge – feel free to attend and find out what our Society is all about!
Meetings typically consist of a brief business meeting to conduct our club’s routine activities, a special presentation on an orchid subject, an orchid raffle (2 tickets for $1), and a Show Table where members can display their flowering plants for everyone to see. For more information, please contact any of our officers.
See our entire meeting schedule with all locations and maps here.
Membership includes:
- Free admission to our annual Spring Show
- Notices of special vendor discounts and pre-ordering opportunities
- Voting privileges for officers and constitutional changes.
Click here to see our Bylaws.
The dues for single membership are $20. Family membership dues are $25. You can download a membership application here.
You can also join online here and pay securely with PayPal – you don’t need to have a PayPal account, and can pay with your credit or debit card.